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HTML and CSS experiments

To embed specific HTML/CSS code in WordPress web pages, you need to write this in a special HTML block. You do this by selecting the + symbol on the righthand side of a new block

This will allow you to enter pure HTML code. The problem with WordPress is that you cannot enter the standard HTML preambles such as !Doctype html or the Head tags. You get an error and then a recovery option that will strip all of that out. Only the stuff that goes in between the <body></body> tags seems to work. <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> and <body> tags are removed after you press the recovery button. Only the <p>Hello World</p> is significant as shown below.

JS Bin

Hello World

Here is the screenshot where WordPress asks you to recover the Block.

This is what remains after recovery.

So you might as well remove all the meta and title tags as well and focus on the HTML between the <body></body> tags.